In this amazing world of technology and advancement, it can be so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind around us. We can look around us and buy into the comparison trap of not being enough, not having enough, or not doing enough. This headspace can have the power to shift our focus away from what truly matters. At the end of the day, all that really matters is those around us knowing they are loved.This summer issue is packed full of countless stories of people who choose love, family and community to hold close and share with this beautiful city. You will find passion and substance in reading about Linda Harris who is changing lives of young people at the community center. Also shared is the emotional path that led Maria Burley to reuniting family pets with their loved ones. The Urick family, Jimon Cutliff, Yolanda Amadeo, the Cohilas family...the list goes on with these hearts and souls that are making a difference in lives and showing those around them how much they care and are loved.
Life is an amazing adventure and one that can pass by so quickly. As they say, the days are long and the years are short. May we all take these lessons to heart and gently remind ourselves that we ARE enough, we HAVE enough and when we feel that peace, we then have the energy to turn to our family and community and pour out the love on those around us that this world is so hungry for.
As we all continue to walk this path together, hand in hand, we hope you know Albany how much we LOVE each one of you and treasure our friendship. Please continue to show love and support to all of our incredible advertisers who so graciously make this magazine available to you at no charge. Your complimentary copies are available at each business listed on page 184.
Wishing you the best memories made this summer and throughout!
From our family to yours,
With You In Mind Publications