Recently our family was blessed with the arrival of a beautiful new granddaughter, Kinsley! Oh my, what joy and happiness one little person can bring into our lives!Holding her has been a gentle reminder to be completely in the moment! Not allowing the distractions of this modern world to keep us from being available and tuned in to those who matter most. Giving ourselves permission to put away our cell phones and turn off devices and live totally immersed in the here and now. I have never forgotten the feeling I had while meeting once with a very important person. His phone beeped and he quickly reached in his pocket, silencing the distraction without ever deviating his attention away from our conversation. No one seemed as important to him at that moment but the one in front of him. I have never forgotten how that felt.
Let’s honor those around us. Living each day with grateful hearts instead of an attitude of entitlement! I read somewhere recently “Today is your happily ever after – don’t delay it one more day!”
While reading over the articles in this issue of Houston County Living, I am reminded of the amazing people that have chosen to do just that! Seizing the moment while blessing others along the way with love, hugs, talents, resources and sharing life!
We are blessed to call you friends!